25 December 2015


by Emilio Paqcha Benites

Artwork by Luna Enriquez (Image source: Flickr.com)

A first step to decolonizing our mentalities is to be aware of the characteristics of a colonized mentality. Here is a list to get started:

Manipulating or letting someone else manipulate nature to satisfy the desire of a non-necessary commodity.

Eating food without thinking about the sacrifices that took place to produce it.

Throwing any amount of food away knowing that someone is dying of hunger somewhere in the world.

Fantasizing about wealth even though it means the poverty of someone else.

Putting a monetary value to education, health, and food.

Equating intelligence with social status or skin color.

Believing that racism doesn't exist.

Thinking that poverty is the result of a person's bad choices.

Thinking that a capitalistic society gives every one equal opportunity to succeed.

Believing that borders are the doors to a distinct culture.

Thinking that the only person right is you.

Thinking that there is a unilinear way to evolve as a society.

Admiring a society while assuming that their misfortunes are a result of its existence.

Accepting poverty.

Thinking that we are individual beings.

Believing that violence and destruction is human nature.

Separating the past present and future as different times in our lives.

Believing that there is only one way to reach God...

..to be continued by those who are in the process of decolonizing their mentalities.

Emilio Paqcha Benites

December 2015

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